BowFlex BXT216 Treadmill

BowFlex BXT216 Treadmill

C$ 2.499

This item is no longer available.

Nous avons un newer model disponible:

BowFlex Treadmill 22

3.599,00 C$

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BXT216 Options
Product Overview
  • 0 - 12 mph
  • Up to 15% incline
  • Bluetooth® connectivity
  • Sync with JRNY™ app
  • Track & monitor your progress throughout your fitness journey
  • Friendly virtual coaching and individualized workouts
Access connected apps from your phone, tablet, or smart TV via Bluetooth® connectivity. JRNY
Explore the World
Explore the World
My Fitness Pal
Google Fit
Google Fit
Apple Health
Apple Health

Product Features

  • Compatible with BowFlex JRNY™ App1
  • Bluetooth® connectivity
  • Connect with Explore the World™ App
  • 0 - 12 mph
  • 15% incline
  • 22" x 60" running path
  • 11 "Push and Go" workout programs
  • Wireless heart rate chest strap
  • Comfort Tech™ deck cushioning system
  • 9" full color back-lit LCD display
  • USB charging port for devices
  • Integrated handrail controls
  • Real-time custom programming
  • Soft Drop™ folding system
  • Automatic 3-speed fan
Access connected apps from your phone, tablet, or smart TV via Bluetooth® connectivity. JRNY
Explore the World
Explore the World
My Fitness Pal
Google Fit
Google Fit
Apple Health
Apple Health
Full Specs

1 BowFlex JRNY Membership required.

BXT216 Treadmill console

*Tablet not included.

Meet Your Fitness Coach1

Integrates with the JRNY™ app and guides you through custom running workouts which automatically adjust as you progress.

1 BowFlex JRNY Membership required.

Personalized Feedback1

In-workout coaching provides real-time feedback and tracking that instructs and motivates you towards success.

1 BowFlex JRNY Membership required.

Explore the World™ App2

Automatically adjusts to your speed as you run through virtual courses, exotic locales, and stunning trails from around the globe.

2 Three free courses available. Unlock more with Explore the World™ app subscription.

Comfort Tech™

Finding a spacious deck that supports your body's needs is important. Our Comfort Tech™ is the gold standard for impact absorption, providing a softer and broader sweet spot for every step and unparalleled support. The extra spacious 22x60" running path was designed to simulate the freedom of the open road.

Soft Drop™ Technology

When it comes to saving space, we take pride in engineering compact products that fit in nearly any room of your home. The BXT216's Soft Drop™ design delivers the promise of safety with a gas shock folding system that provides a gentle descent every time.

Access the Digital Experience for Treadmills

The JRNY app guides your fitness journey.1

Individualized workouts that adjust to you1

BowFlex JRNY delivers daily, individualized running workouts that automatically adjust as your running improves, scaling every custom run to help you reach your goals.

Friendly virtual coaching that guides you1

Every run is accompanied by in-workout coaching and fitness tips that keep you on track and help you reach long term success.

Explore the World2

Explore the World™ allows you to tour the planet from the comfort of home, featuring locations like Death Valley, the Swiss Alps, and many more.

Celebrate milestones as you grow

Your accomplishments deserve to be celebrated! You'll receive in-depth analytics and virtual rewards to applaud your milestones, achievements, and personal bests.

Listen to BowFlex Radio1

Stream today's biggest hits with BowFlex Radio! Fuel your workout with an ever-changing lineup of new playlists, including Pop, Country, Hip-Hop, Rock, 80's, and more.

Watch Video

1 BowFlex JRNY Membership required.

2 Three free courses available. Unlock more with Explore the World™ app subscription.

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